Artist Statement
According to Jung, all artistic creations contain forms and images which have symbolic meanings, which are archetypal, and in this way communicable to others. My ceramic work refers to human relationships, communication, balance and vulnerability.
“Still Swinging”
During my stay in the US in 1975, I visited a ceramic studio for the first time. It was love at first sight. Ever since then, I took classes in art academies and participated at workshops, only interrupted during an education as social worker in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. In 1985 I focussed again completely on ceramics, mainly with the idea to become a potter. At the side and to diversify, I created unique objects and sculptures. Shortly afterwards, I was asked to participate in exhibitions and from then on more often.
I never dared to dream that ceramics would bring me this far-away; at a great distance from home to many other counties but also so far away from utilitarian ceramics. After all these years I am still passionately searching and growing through a process to express my ideas in (mainly) clay and other (ceramic) materials. More than ever, I am convinced that creative processes are continuously enriching and very inspiring in all fields of life.
Therefore I am grateful to everybody who supported and encouraged me and offered me the space and time to realise my dreams.